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Clinical supervision is the bedrock of therapeutic practice, however we are hugely encouraged by how commonly supervision is being adopted by professionals outside of the therapeutic field, including organisational/school/team leaders, safeguarding leads (DSL and DDSL's) and beyond. 


Supervision most fundamentally, is about carving out space to take pause and reflect, explore, share, speculate, hypothesise, experiment, debate, create, lean-on, seek support as well as exercising its potential as an ethical barometer for the crucial and frequently complex work professionals in this field so valuably do. 


MSTherapeutic & Associates have a thriving private practice centred around supervision which truly is a passion of ours.


Learn more about our individual approaches to supervision through our About Us page. What MSTherapeutic & Associates share in supervision is a relationally-driven mindset which is open to using creativity as a means for expression along with grounding techniques which can help bring our fullest attention/presence to the work. 


In groups, there is not only opportunity to share rich, clinical thinking but also to offer up our experience and resources to one another with the view to fostering best practice.




  • Supervision fees for groups start at £35pp for 90 minutes

  • Individual supervision: £60-75 for individual sessions (50 mins) depending on circumstances

Company Number: 12098886
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